In the Fall of 2021 DASH presented its recommendations to WSDOT for making the proposed roundabout at Sims and Kearney accessible. The major issue is how to make the roundabout safe for blind people and people with visual disabilities. DASH worked with the Jefferson County Council of the Blind (JCCB) on this.
Part of our consultation with WSDOT involved setting up a simulation of crossing a roundabout while blind. WSDOT sent 6 traffic engineers and Larry Watkinson (WSDOT’s ADA Compliance Manager) to participate in this event. Steve King, City Public Works Director, and Laura Parsons, City Engineer, also took part.
The simulation helped to increase awareness of the specific issues to be addressed in the roundabout design to
accommodate people with visual difficulties.

The Port Townsend Leader covered the event
while-blindfolded,78010) and showed Port Townsend Public Works Director Steve King crossing while blindfolded.
The video taken by walkability expert Samantha Thomas shows traffic yielding to the blindfolded pedestrians with their white canes.
DASH provided 6 pages of recommendations to WSDOT on ways for handling traffic volume, especially when the ferry unloads, for designing solutions that will help blind people, and for providing training to prepare blind people and others with visual disabilities to navigate the roundabout. We also provided the ACCESS Board’s Advisories regarding roundabouts.